
Delphine BEDEL (She/Her) is a media artist, writer, and educator based in Amsterdam. Her practice includes exhibitions, performances, writing, with a focus on feminism, publishing, and questions of representation. She is the founding director of the publishing house Meta/Books and co-founder of the Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in NL. Bedel is an alumna of Rijksakademie and was an advisor for the Mondrian Foundation. She is a board member of the Auteursbond, section Journalism/Non-fiction, co-founder and Chair of ENGAGEMENT ARTS NL. She is a trained Confidentiality Advisor (Vertrouwenspersoon ongewenste omgangsvormen en integriteit).

Vivian Cintra (She/Her) is a Brazilian multidisciplinary artist, writer, educator and researcher based in Rotterdam, alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam (2022). Vivian is also a lawyer, holding an LL.M degree in Public International law from the University of Leiden (2012), and has more than 15 years of legal and executive experience working for governmental and non-governmental companies in Brazil and in The Netherlands. Her research-based practice represents a combination of autonomous and socially oriented projects, commonly starting from a very personal story that unravels into larger social-political issues. Vivian is the Co-Founder, Interim Treasurer and Co-chair of ENGAGEMENT ARTS NL. 

Silvia GARDINI (She/Her) is a Munich-based visual artist and lawyer, who studied LL.M Civil Law and L.L.M, Criminal and Criminal Procedural law at the University of Leiden. She is currently studying at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich. Her research focuses on abuse of power and gender-based violence in the art context. She is the Secretary of ENGAGEMENT ARTS NL.